Monday, August 27, 2007

Programme for rest of 2007

Tuesday 4th September : “ Defining the topic and coming up with good arguments“

We will work in teams and have to define a topic(s) as well as develop a basic logical structured argument with supporting examples and a TEAM LINE.

Tuesday 11th September: “ Rebuttal technique honing” Criticizing the others arguments

Short “games” in which we present statements of support and then have to also find ways of poking holes into these.
If we say argument is wrong we need to show how, we need to pick out the important points to rebut and to become familiar with different forms used in weak argument building – like strawman arguing, wrong conclusions drawn, only seeing extremes, not middle way etc –

Tuesday 18th September: “Speakers roles, timing and when to offer POI’s” We will list all the duties of each speaker and time period allocated, structure of this and grace periods. Rebutting and developing your arguments clearly and using presentation techniques. Good technique and debating language… house of Pinelands, how to POI,


Tuesday 2nd October : “ Public Speaking – techniques to develop this effectively”

We will look at techniques to overcome stage fright, eye contact, cue cards and being comfortable with your points and evidence and practicing so not reading. Using voice volume, pitch and speed for emphasis. Body language, nervous habits, and helping each other. Do short off the cuff deliveries to accept constructive criticisms as well as what we do well and possible suggestions on what works for others.

Tuesday 9th October: Team debates begin – Putting it into action
Topic given and informed of the group you will be in. These will be groups of mixed ability and coin tossed for PROP or OPP decision. You will then in your teams go about preparing your debate and deciding on speakers, research, structure, rebuttals etc.

Tuesday 16th October: Team Debates final Preparation Meeting
Finalizing of structures and speeches refined, cue cards made, timing practiced… last minute glitches ironed out.

Tuesday 23rd October: THE DEBATES
We will have formal debates with all the normal rules of Rotary applying and scores will be given. We will announce the 2007 Team Debate Awards – and present prizes for Best Speaker, Most Improved Debater, Best Researcher and Behind the scenes contributor etc etc some fun and some serious.

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